Saturday, January 30, 2016


            At every corner across streets and corridors of educational institutions, we find teenagers using mobile phones. If we see them clearly they are actually texting to some of their friends, relatives or family members. Since texting has become the easiest way of communication people have started using short language instead of complete proper sentences. This proves that about 95% of the teenagers are involved in texting most of the time. If we see the log history carefully of a teenager we may find that text messages are 3x more than phone calls.  Mobile phones are one of the greatest technologies but its excessive use has increased negative affects on literacy. This doesn’t mean that texting is extremely bad but its excessive use has decreased writing and communication skills. I am presenting my own ideas about social life and the impact of using text messaging for communication on our lives daily through synthesis essay where I have used two sources to get evidence and proof to my statement. My thesis statement of this essay is, “Text messaging affects teen literacy”. The purpose of this study is to discuss about the text messaging effects on literacy observed in the UAE. To know how text messages have increased grammatical errors.

Text messaging became popular by a student who worked in Nokia Corporation and found this to be the easiest way of quick communication without waiting for a longer period of time. With increased exposure, people started to use text messaging for delivering all kind of messages amongst their social circle. Texting has different kinds of effects on literacy depending upon its usage.
Poor Verbal Skills:
Previously it has been seen that students were most affected by text messaging. Evidence based on previous studies explains that students who text more than those who do not text have poor grammatical knowledge. They faced more spelling errors and failed to have proper verbal skills. It was investigated that teenagers used short words in text to save time and can also communicate. Over usage of short languages has decreased the ability of proper sentence structuring during examinations and in assignments. It was also seen that teenagers who had good knowledge about various topics due to reading failed to answer questions verbally. In text messages they can explain things more easily and conveniently. Verbal skills were being affected due to “textism” and the reason was diminished confidence to speak in front of people (Houser, 2005). If we see the young generation with our own eyes, conventional communication of our young generation is very poor as compared to message composing, which was very quick without any pause or error.
Effect on writing skills:
Writing skills are often groomed when repetitively practiced but it is seen that teenagers who were involved in text messaging do not enjoy writing by hand. As a result their writing speed is much less than others and their handwriting is quite dirty. On the other hand it is also seen that spelling mistakes are very common even of simple widely used words.
The reason for enhanced use of text messaging is quick and easy communication without involving  deep and intense explanation. Mostly people prefer to stay quiet and still deliver their thoughts. For those people text messaging became an ideal source of delivering messages. The most beneficial advantage of text messaging is to inform people about various events as quickly as possible. But this immediate and prolonged use of text messaging has reduced the power to speak and explain things verbally. Slowly and gradually this affects English-speaking tendency. Due to which students applying for studies abroad where English is the first language are rejected due to poor grammar knowledge.  
Weak Vocabulary:
            Most often it has been seen that teenagers use short familiar words. This has affected their vocabulary. Poor vocabulary affects literacy badly (Niaz, 2015). Students often feel incomplete of proper words to complete their sentences while speaking. This is seen in 90% of the cases where students know the answer and understand different theories but due to lack of vocabulary and speaking skills are not able to score good marks. These mistakes are generally known as mistakes in English transcription.
Phonetic Language:
            Phonetic language has decreased the ability of teenagers to distinguish between formal and informal context. Since, text include particular limitation of characters therefore, teenagers are habitual of reducing context. This habit develops from time to time and as a result their mind become compacted due to which they are not able to elaborate definitions, theories and procedures when asked during class activities (Keats, 2014).
Many people say that textism doesn’t affect negatively because it is an advantage of transferring message to people rapidly. If we see the issue critically we can see that text messaging is obliterating the mind and restricted the capability of teenagers. Since, shortcuts become habitual individuals none of them is interested in listening or writing long lectures in class and often get bored. Literacy rate is being affected badly due to textism diverting the minds of teenagers and limiting vocabulary.
Texting has been proven the most used communication style because it is considered easier than explaining through speaking. The thesis statement is, text messaging affects literacy, because from the evidences of previous studies it has been proven that students have lost the skill of collaboration, interaction and proper grammar use. 90% of the teenage population is found using cell phones for texting friends and even colleagues for various purposes. This has decreased interaction and increased use of slang words and short languages. Text messaging affects the mind and also affects the learning patterns. Students are being interested in shortcuts due to which spelling errors are increasing with limited vocabulary knowledge.
My research is on the effects of text messaging on literacy and teenagers of the UAE are made participants of this research. I believe that my research is effective in understanding the negative aspects of text messaging. I will do this research using a questionnaire and teenagers will be asked to answer them.


Houser, P. T. (2005, May). Using mobile phones in English education in Japan .   Retrieved from            2729.2005.00129.x/abstract
Keats, W. (2014). The Effects of Text Messaging on Students’ Literacy . Retrieved from
Niaz, A. (2015, Nov 26). ‘Is texting and CMC detrimental to literacy?’ . Retrieved from

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